17952902_746008925561158_9192714426638560001_n.jpgICEASI has recommended education standards for competency to practice Ayres Sensory Integration. AOTA have published an article, including the table below, in their publication OT Practice in 2017 discussing this in more detail. Sadly the full article is not accessible to those who are not AOTA members.

This publication makes recommendations for international education standards for Ayres’ Sensory Integration Education.

These standards were finalised at a meeting in 2017. They were developed from original proposals and ideas first developed by an international group of leaders in the field of Ayres’ Sensory Integration in 2009/2010 at R2K in LA, USA with further development and refining at meetings held at ESIC’s including Austria (2009), Portugal (2011), Finland (2014), Birmingham, United Kingdom (2015) and Austria (2017).

You can read more about the early global initiative to define competency in Ayres SI at SIGN


©ICEASI 2017 in Mori et al 2017, AOTA OTP Volume 22 Issue 12 p 8 – 13.