While we cannot evaluate or represent other programs, we are happy to describe ours. The ASI Wise CLASI Programme embeds the CLASI programme was developed by Zoe Mailloux, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA and Susanne Smith Roley, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA both of whom were students of Dr. A. Jean Ayres, committed to following her tradition of excellence and research in practice.
“Course materials are derived from Ayres’ original publications and subsequent research in basic and applied science related to sensory integration and processing and how it underpins and therefore impacts directly on human function and participation in daily life. In addition, CLASI instructors are lecturers with in-depth knowledge in the areas of ASI, representing first- and second-generation students of Dr Ayres. The instructors have national and international experience in presentations of information on ASI and expertise in ASI research, education, and practice.”
“CLASI is also a founding member of the International Council for Education (ICEASI) in Ayres Sensory Integration®, an organization which aims to provide global standards for education and training in ASI. The Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration (CASI), offered through the Collaborative for Leadership in ASI (CLASI), is an advanced training program that was initiated in 2016 to continue the legacy of excellence in education, research, and practice in the body of knowledge which was originated by Dr. A. Jean Ayres and which has been continued by other researchers, practitioners, and educators. This education program is produced according to the guidelines of the International Coalition of Education in Ayres Sensory Integration® and aligned with the Ayres 2020 Vision, promoting excellence in scholarship, assessment, and education in ASI.
Based on our work with Dr Ayres, we believe that comprehensive assessment is a cornerstone to appropriate and effective intervention. The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) are currently the strongest tools available for assessing children who may have sensory integration problems hindering their ability to participate fully in their daily lives. Therefore, the current CLASI CASI includes instruction and practice with the SIPT
A new set of tests, the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI), are currently under development with international normative data expected by 2020. The EASI is also introduced and practised in the program, and it is likely that many participants in the program will feel prepared and inspired to be normative data collectors for the EASI. Other tests which assess aspects of sensory integration functions are also discussed.
Rather than providing certification in any one set of tests, we strive to enhance an understanding of the core concepts of ASI, including the main areas that must be included in a comprehensive assessment.”
Please see our shop for more information about our modules – and choose between the standalone Certification in ASI or the MSc accredited pathway. We also offer a range of other workshops supporting the learning of therapists wanting to practice Ayres’ Sensory Integration.
You can read more about feedback about our workshops and courses on our pages.
CLASI, 2019“Applying hours of training completed from another organisation toward the ASI Wise CLASI CASI will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Consideration of the completed training in regard to the ICE -ASI standards and the length of time since the training was completed will determine whether or not it is possible to apply credit from another programme.”
Why our offer is an MSc in Advancing Practice
Why is our new offer of an MSc in Advancing Practice important? We have aligned the MSc In Advancing Practice…