Fascinating research adds to and challenges our existing knowledge. This recently published research is suggesting that the fight and flight response in vertebrates may in part be triggered by osteocalcin release via bones. This research raises so many questions regarding the evidence about why sensory integration may help support self regulation. It makes me wonder about the role of the heavy muscle work we all use as part of therapy and the sensory strategies we recommend to support self regulation at home and school.
Does activating proprioception sensors found in the muscles and tendons around our bones have a role in inhibiting release of osteocalcin? Does proprioception andvdeep pressure touch signalling via DCML alter or impact on osteocalcin release? And what’s the impact on GABA ?

A layman’s article about this interesting research can be found here:
Read the original research: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(19)30441-3