Over the last few days, ASI Wise CLASI CASI Module 1 participants have been exploring the neuroscience supporting the theory of Ayres’ Sensory Integration – and how we all need to take in, integrate, adequately process and respond to sensory input to be able to successfully participate in everyday life, throughout our life.

We focussed on developing our understanding of the contribution of the sensory systems to early development and then function across the lifespan. We explored the essential role the senses play in underpinning behaviours and higher-order function. We considered the application in paediatrics, CAMHS, and services for adults and older adults with learning disabilities and/or mental health difficulties.

Module participants present their learning about the BIG 3 Sensory systems:

We considered supporting research and evidence in occupational therapy and in other fields including biology, neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and medicine. We were introduced to patterns of sensory difficulties people with Autism might have.


The module explored the neuroscience that supports our practice as therapists.  It is inspiring to hear that the flow of new and emerging research in this field appears almost constant.

We considered how to apply this new knowledge in practice. It was great listening to a webinar Why Neuroscience  Matter by Dr. Shelly Lane.  We leanrt about lots of other free resources including more free webinars on the CL-ASI resources website page exlores other aspects of sensory integration.

“I’ve just got home and have been reflecting on these wonderful 4 days.
Thankyou to Kath and Rosie for a great few days – I will be listening to those webinars on the way to and from work!”

“Just home! Thanks for a great week. Very inspiring and hope I can get back to do M2 one day!”

“Was a fab course, thank you”

“Lovely to meet you all. Had a fab day and learned lots… lots of seeds planted for further learning”

“Thank you so much for such an interesting course. I have lots of ideas and info to take back to school.”

To book on this Module or another module please visit www.sensoryproject.org/shop

M6 Autumn 2021
M6 Autumn 2021

Education about Sensory Integration on Module 1 ASI Wise CL-ASI CASI