Dr Zoe Mailloux has spearheaded the ASI 2020 Vision alongside Dr Susanne Smith Roley, Dr Roseann Schaaf and Dr Diane Parham, creating a global initiative to do 3 things:

  1. Gather a collection of 100 peer-reviewed papers to evidence Ayres’ Sensory Integration by 2020
  2. Develop a new assessment tool; accessible and affordable across the globe.
  3. Set standards for education in Ayres’ Sensory Integration so that people receiving services from a therapist using Ayres’ Sensory Integration have access to trained therapists with solid knowledge, ground in contemporary research and skills to practice.


More about the EASI

Screen Shot 2020-01-25 at 17.27.41Goal 2 – the new assessment tool, the EASI, is being developed as a collaborative global initiative.

It is anticipated that it will help to highlight sensory and motor difficulties that may have underlying neurobiological origins in children across the globe.

Once the development and testing work for this new tool is completed, it is anticipated the EASI will provide therapists across the world with a cost effective way gather data to consider and plan the way to accurately target and address these challenges through Ayres’ Sensory Integration Therapy.

This therapy uses her original ideas and methods, which are now being able to be grounded and increasingly evidenced based by modern current more robust research methods; resulting in an  ever growing evidence base.

To read more about the EASI in the UK and Ireland, and how our ASI Wise team are helping support the collection of the normative data for the UK and Ireland please visit www.easibritishisles.org

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