The Impact of The Sensory Form on Confidence and Competence in Occupational Therapy Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 5 (1).
From ‘down-under’ to a ‘top-down and bottom-up approach’. This new study. Michail, E., Mills, C. J., & Coxon, K. (2021) grounded in the theory of ASI may provide more than just another tool for our Occupational Therapy Tool Box. It will be interesting to see if its use will support and provide evidence of the links between our senses and occupational performance using sensory strategies.
This tool, which is grounded in the theory of Ayres SI and links to occupation, maybe the start of something interesting and exciting, as the tool is explicitly guiding clinical reasoning to ensure the use of sensory strategies is linked to identifying strengths and challenges, Its use to support the collecting data to generate a hypothesis to inform intervention planning is in line with the data-driven decision-making tool (Schaaf and Mailloux 2015) and evidence-based practice. It will be great to see the outcomes measured when this tool is used to guide the recommendation and implementation of sensory strategies in a data-driven way, with personalised goals (e.g. MOHO, GAS, COPM, OSA and ABAS, etc) being based on thorough assessment data.
Posted by one of the authors, Christine Mills in SI4OT [last accessed 03/02/2021]“We know that (sensory) skills and strategies are helpful at “anytime in life” Here is their latest article on The Sensory Form, a free planning tool for sensory processing. OT students who used the Sensory Form were more competent in identifying sensory difficulties and linking these difficulties to occupation than students who didn’t. The findings were pretty interesting! It’s open access so you can freely download and share with anyone”
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