Dear EASI Normative Data Collectors-
Thank you again and again for your resilience and persistence in helping us to make the EASI a reality!
We are now very close to the time that children worldwide will have access to assessment in sensory integration so that they can be understood and, therefore, helped in appropriate and effective ways.
Please join us on TUESDAY JUNE 1, 2021 (5 pm Pacific Daylight Time), for an update on the EASI Normative Data Collection project with EASI Authors Dr Zoe Mailloux, Dr Diane Parham, and Dr Susanne Smith Roley
Some of the topics we will present include:
- Current status of international data collection
- New deadlines for completion of data collection
- Plans for opening the EASI Scoring Platform with results from preliminary data analysis (including how you may be able to access the program)
Please submit any questions you may have about the tests, data entry or anything else EASI-related at this link
While this session is aimed at testers, anyone interested in hearing about the EASI is also welcome to attend. Please share this information with your friends and colleagues.
We hope you can join us! (Link to access will be sent soon by email)!
Zoe Mailloux, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Occupational Therapist