“With the right screening, teaching and assessment, dyslexic children can make the most of their brilliant neurodiverse minds”.
Matt Hancock 2021
Growing strengths and supporting challenges. Changing classrooms and the way children are taught! Changing lives forever… offering a future where success is as easily possible as for peers. Ensuring “children understood” because, “every child matters” to borrow a phrase from Dr Zoe Mailloux and the ASI 2020 Vision Goal 2 – the EASI initiative.
This bill great news indeed – a jolly good start! I wonder if Mr Hancock could ensure all children are screened for neurodiversity – the earlier assessment and support happens the better fior developing brains and bodies!
This initiative will be life changing not just for the person their development and learning, mental health and well-being, but also for the pockets of the state coffers long term!