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Community of Practice | Mental Health Special Interest Group
Sensory Based Feeding | Eating Difficulties and Differences | Peer support group – Community of Practice
Have you completed advanced modular training about Ayres SI – Assessment or Intervention modules ASI2 or ASI3 equivalent? Access to this Tutor Group. For those not currently on ASI Wise, ASI2 and ASI3 will require proof of successful learning on an equivalent modular program. Please upload your proof here. [Free for those on ASI Wise modules ASI2 and ASI3] [2nd Tuesday & 4th Thursday 7.30-9.30 pm / 3rd Wednesday 12-2pm UK time]
Join the ASI Wise Team for a practical abstract writing webinar and be ready for RCOT or other future conferences.
Sensory and Occupational Therapy (other AHP’s too!) – Why describing better what we do counts. Join us to explore the terms we use, the geography and lay of the land of services described as “sensory” in the UK and Ireland, and what this does and doesn’t do for our professions.
Let’s find ways to tell others about what we do and in ways that work for everyone.