Sensory Integration is a model that helps us to better understand how the mind, body, and brain connect in children, teens and adults
International research increasingly supports the view held by many therapists that sensory integration difficulties underpin unusual or problem behaviours.
Everyone has their own unique sensory preferences. Our “Through the Senses” courses can help parents, carers and teachers and adults swith sensory integration challenges discover what their own unique sensory profiles and sensory preferences are.
When we discover what our own unique sensory profiles and sensory preferences are we are better able to understand ourselves or be ‘sensory detectives’ for those we look after and support. When we are able to understand someone’s behaviours in terms of sensory integration theory; we are able to feel comfortable advocating about what helps them, how to creatively meet their sensory needs and explore practical ways to do this anywhere.
When we are able to understand someone’s behaviours in terms of sensory integration theory; we are able to feel comfortable advocating about what helps them, how to creatively meet their sensory needs and explore and implement practical ways to do this anywhere.