asi skills for practice
Sensory Integration is Everyone's Business
a community for life | a community of practice | no one left behind

Learning | Support | Resources | Community
ASI Wise is the only UK and Ireland provider of internationally accredited learning about Ayres’ Sensory Integration. As an ICEASI member, we offer excellence in education in Ayres’ SI via our two modular programmes. Our webinars and workshops provide a wide range of learning opportunities for anyone supporting people with sensory integration and processing difficulties. This includes our flagship MSc Advancing Practice Sensory Integration learning route.
Our courses
Through the Senses Workshops and Webinars
We offer a range of learning opportunities to suit anyone wanting to learn more about sensory integration and processing. Learn how to use the power of the senses to support health, wellbeing and participation in everyday life.
Route 1 | MSc Adv. Practice Route 2 | CLASI Certificate ASI
Integral to both our modular programmes is the ICEASI accredited CLASI Certificate in ASI. Our partnership with Ulster University earns therapists on the MSc route a PGCert, PGDip and finally an MSc Advancing Practice.
Professional Development with Sensory Project
CPD learning opportunities for professionals working in Health, Education and Social Care. Our WISE+ programme for therapists seeking learning and support beyond their post graduate sensory integration education.

Allied Health Care Professions • OT, PT & SLT
Quality educational programmes promoting excellence and research in the practice of Ayre’s Sensory Integration. Taught by therapists with Experience and Expertise. Creating learning to and beyond Certification in ASI for Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Speech and Language Therapy.
Working with Integrity in partnership with organisations across the globe, we are able to bring you the benefit of the latest research and developments in Ayres Sensory Integration. We are also and most importantly an active online Community of Practice, ready to Engage with you, every step of the way;
- Supporting your learning
- Discovering fresh ideas
- Creating and Innovating
- Answering questions Together
Read more about the partner organisations we promote and work in collaboration with here. These are not commercially driven relationships, they are partnerships to enhance the support we offer everyone who engages with us.
For Teachers, Parents & Carers
For some people, special challenges in sensory integration and processing interfere with everyday life more for other children. Neurodiversity can make learning harder if a person’s unique sensory preferences and needs are not well understood, or easily communicated. Illness, disease, genes inherited and trauma can interfere with sensory integration and processing and can impact on early development, learning, and participation in everyday life across the lifespan.
However, the mind-body-brain are plastic and flexible! Humans are able to develop and learn, especially when ‘just- right’ sensory spaces and specially crafted learning opportunities are created to match each person unique sensory needs. When this happens, the person is able to grow and live life to their maximum potential. This is something we can all work to create for those around us, those we support, and those we provide care or education for, using the power of the senses. Our online workshops and webinars are all about doing just that.
This learning is applicable to anyone, anywhere, though it may be more essential for some who help and support those where sensory integration and processing differences make life more tricky.
sensory integration is everyones’ business | no one left behind

For Health, Education & Social Care Teams
Our in-house workshops for health, social care and special education professionals will provide an opportunity to develop individualised sensory strategies; including the use of personalised Sensory Ladders, Sensory Spiders and Sensory Grids to understand and support participation and engaement, communication and self-regulation.
Practical activities, videos and real case studies will be used to enhance understanding and demonstrate application within adolescent, adult and older adults mental health and learning disability services. The effect of trauma and early deprivation will be considered, with evidence from current neuroscience.