ASI Wise are part of the international ASI Community, and with this many benefits. These include:
- shared learning and experience from across the globe
- a vibrant and diverse community of practice able to support families and individuals where ever they find themselves in the world
- an enviable collective of researchers; keen to support those just starting their research careers
- a community of passionate and determined therapists, aspiring to develop and deliver evidence based and data driven practice for their clients’ benefit
- a place where ideas, innovation and collaboration are valued History
An informal organization began, the “International Collaboration for Education in Sensory Integration” (ICESI).
In 2018, at another International SI Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, the informal group ICESI grew into something formal and increasingly bigger: the “International Council For Education in Ayres Sensory Integration” (ICE-ASI).
The roots of ICE-ASI grew from a seed of an idea at a first international meeting initiated and hosted by Susanne Smith Roley at an SI Research Conference in 2005 in California. A group of like-minds with a shared vision — to promote Dr. Ayres body of work and high quality SI training around the world.
Founding Organizations (2018)
The 10 founding member organizations of ICEASI were:
ABIS (Brazil), AEIS ( Spain), ASI WISE (UK), CLASI (USA), GSIÖ (Austria), OCCUPARE (Colombia), SAISI (South Africa), Seven Senses (Portugal), SI Network (UK), Sense ON (Turkey).