Therapists across the globe are collaborating, giving of their time and energy to develop a new assessment tool to comprehensively assess sensory integration difficulties.
This is the final call for therapists wishing to join the team for the UK and Ireland EASI ( Evaluation of Ayres’ Sensory Integration) normative data collection project. You can read more about this global initiative, Goal 2 of the ASI 2020 Vision here.
See more about the EASI – click on the image below or this link: powerpoint slides from Dr Suzanne Smith Roley.
Introduction to the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI).
Mailloux Z1, Parham LD2, Roley SS3, Ruzzano L4, Schaaf RC5.
AbstractComprehensive, reliable, and valid assessment is essential for individually tailored, appropriate, and effective intervention planning and implementation. Research, education, and practice using an Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI) approach have a long history of prioritizing comprehensive assessment. To meet the need for a set of tests that will fully evaluate the constructs of ASI with psychometrically strong, internationally appropriate, and easily accessible measurement tools, the development of the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration®(EASI) has been initiated. This article introduces the EASI, describes the overarching plan for its development, and reports the results of promising preliminary analyses of discriminative validity data.