Articles for sharing from our community members
Occupational Therapy News 2006
A seminal article from Kath Smith | Taking Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan
ASI Wise and NHFT: The Difference We're Making: Mental Health Inpatient Sensory Treatment
ASI Wise has supported NHFT with in house bespoke training. Following this training, an evidence based treatment pathway has been developed to help give patients who experience emotional distress access to sensory strategies that they can use in inpatient settings and can continue to use on discharge
It's Not Rocket Science
This report is informed by autistic experience and by what autism ‘feels like from the inside’ and is based on the experiences of children and young people who have experienced Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) inpatient environments.
NHS England: Sensory-friendly resource pack
This pack is intended to support the delivery of NHS Long-Term Plan commitments for autistic people and the further prevention of mental health crisis in children, young people and adults who are autistic (with or without an additional learning disability) and to support in addressing issues raised about un-sensory friendly environments impacting on poor quality care for autistic children and adults.